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Ways to Get Involved

Volunteer – Many of FSNs programs require the help of dedicated volunteers. Camp TLC alone needs 100 volunteers to be successful. If you have an interest in volunteering for Camp TLC or helping out with one of our other program or have an interest in joining as a board member, please give us a call or fill out the form below.

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FSN Volunteer opportunities for Corporate and general public

Seasonal- Help make 500 bags to provide to kids who spend a long time at developmental screenings visiting various screening stations. These bags include resources for their parents as well as toys and activities to keep them entertained!

Emergency Needs Program- looking for corporate volunteers who can help in organizing, packaging, and distributing Thanksgiving and Holiday family gift packages for our client families in-need.

Skills-based Volunteering

Translators are imperative in bridging the communication gap between family and quality services. They ensure that both family’s needs are being properly communicated to providers. Languages needed are Spanish, Farsi, Vietnamese, and Chinese.

Administrative volunteers work alongside the administrative staff in areas such as marketing, photography/videography, communications, community outreach, and overall office management. This is ongoing, flexible days, and times.

For volunteer information contact Maura Byron